Geo-Marine & Geomatics Research Laboratory
School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Personal Profile

Sidha Sankalpa Moharana
I am Sidha Sankalpa Moharana. I am currently a research scholar pursuing Ph.D. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences in the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar. My research interest can broadly be summerised as Ocean - Atmosphere Interactions. My current research includes the investigation of variability in geophysical parameters driving the recent increase in global hurricane activity .
Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar
Ph.D. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences
Thesis Title: Investigation of the role of geophysical parameters on enhanced tropical cyclone activity in recent years
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata
BS - MS in Geological Sciences
Thesis Title: Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm FANI: A study of its meteorological and electrical properties and its role in coupling the lower and upper atmosphere
Dr K S Krishnan Geomagnetic Research Lab, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Allahabad
External MS Project Student
The electric coupling that exists between the lower atmosphere and the upper atmosphere was studied in detail using a case study of Cyclone Fani, an Extremely Severe Cyclonic Storm and the most intense of the 2019 Indian Ocean Cyclone Season. The unique meteorological properties which enabled ESCS Fani to survive for a long 30 hours after landfall, as well as its intense electrical discharges which disturbed the Ionosphere via atmospheric gravity waves, were investigated using VLF waves, GPS-TEC datasets, GLD360 and WWLLN datasets.
Dr K S Krishnan Geomagnetic Research Lab, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism, Allahabad
Summer Intern
The occurrences of electrical discharges over the cloud systems and sometimes reaching the base of Ionosphere, known as Transient Luminous Events or TLEs were investigated over the Indian subcontinent. 10 such TLEs (9 Sprites and 1 Gigantic Jet) over the central Indian region were characterized along with their parent thunderstorm properties.
1. Patil, O. M., Moharana, S. S., Maurya, A. K., Parihar, N., Singh, R., & Dimri, A. P. (2024). Role of lightning activity in deciphering atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs) induced D‐region ionospheric perturbations during extremely severe cyclonic storm (ESCS) Fani. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 129(4), e2023JA032187.
2. Moharana, S.S., Swain, D. (2023). On the recent increase in Atlantic Ocean hurricane activity and influencing factors. Natural Hazards, 118(2), 1387-1399.
1. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2024). Tropical Cyclone Response to Recent Warming in Arabian Sea. Abstract ID: AS11-A001. In the 21st Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2024 (AOGS2024), Pyeongchang, Gangwon-do, South Korea. 23-28 June 2024.
2. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2024). Impact of Geophysical Parameters on Tropical Cyclogenesis
Locations in the Bay of Bengal. Abstract ID: WOSC/2024/ABS/368. In World Ocean Science Congress 2024 (WOSC2024), IIT Madras, Chennai, India. 27-29 February 2024.
3. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2023). Cluster Analysis of Tropical Cyclogenesis Locations in the Bay of Bengal. Abstract ID: ABS-05-0004. In the 8th National Conference of Ocean Society of India 2023 (OSICON-23), Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), Hyderabad, India. 23-25 August 2023.
4. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2022). Investigation of the Impact of Geophysical Parameters Modulating the Recent Rise in Hurricane Activity in the Atlantic Ocean. In Fall Meeting 2022. AGU.
5. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2022). Recent changes in the trends of Atlantic Hurricanes and the factors influencing them. AOGS2022, 1st - 5th August 2022. AS11/A022.
6. Moharana, S. S. & Swain, D. (2021). Atlantic hurricanes of 2020 and the factors influencing them.
OSICON-21, 12-14 August 2021, OSICON2021/155.
7. Moharana, S. S. & Singh, R. (2020). Probing a post monsoon Mesoscale Convective System (MCS)
and the generated Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) over Indian region. EGU General Assembly
2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-19407.